Διεθνή συνέδρια
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Εκδότης
2006 Kampeza, M., & Ravanis, K. An approach to the introduction of elementary astronomy concepts in early education
2006 Smyrnaiou, Z., Komis, V., & Dimitracopoulou, A. Contribution à l'étude des raisonnements des élèves sur les acides et bases avec l'utilisation de vidéo, des objets réels et de logiciel éducatif INRP
2006 Avouris, N., Fidas, Ch., Politis, P., & Komis, V. On supporting young students in visual logic modeling Springer-Verlag
2006 Papadimitriou, I., Fiotakis, G., Stoica, A., Komis, V., & Avouris, N. Bridging the Gap between Physical and Abstract Worlds: Capturing Observed Phenomena in Abstract Models through MODELLINGSPACE in Advanced Learning Technologies
2006 Jimoyiannis, A., & Komis, V. Factors affecting teachers’ views and perceptions of ICT in Education
2006 Karsenti, T., Depover, C., & Komis, V. Can Open and Distance Learning Courses Increase Student Teachers Motivation During Their Training ? AACE
2006 Papadimitriou, I., Komis, V., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N. Designing PDA Mediated Educational Activities in the Frame of a Museum Visit. IADIS Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age
2006 Κουστουράκης, Γ., & Λιοναράκης, Α. Ένα μοντέλο αναφοράς της ανοικτής και εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης μέσα από την περίπτωση του Βρετανικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου: μια ιστορική - κοινωνιολογική προσέγγιση
2006 Kyprianos, P. Influences occidentales sur l'enseignement superieur grec Ελληνικά Γράμματα
2006 Γιαννακόπουλος, Δ., & Μπάλιας, Στ. Η πνευματική και ιδεολογική-πολιτική φυσιογνωμία του οθωνικού Πανεπιστημίου: ρήξη και συνέχεια με τον νεοελληνικό διαφωτισμό Σήφης Μπουζάκης
2006 Κανατσούλη, Μ., & Πολίτης, Δ. Επαναγραφές και Eπαναναγνώσεις των Eλληνικών Λαϊκών Παραμυθιών
2006 Riga, V., & Printzou, M. Le jeu dans l’éducation interculturelle. La recherche en action INRP & APRIEF
2006 Skopeliti, I., & Vosniadou, S. The influence of refutational texts on children's ideas about the earth Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
2006 Skopeliti, I., & Vosniadou, S. Developmental shifts in children’s categorization of the earth
2006 Ikospentaki, K., Vosniadou, S., & Skopeliti, I. The development of knowledge about the earth and the day/night cycle in blind and sighted children
2006 Papachristos, E., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N. Modeling perceived value of color in web sites
2006 Papachristos, E., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N. Bayesian modeling of color’s usage impact to web credibility
2006 Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N. InfoScent Evaluator: A semi-automated tool to evaluate hyperlinks’ semantic appropriateness of a web site
2005 Ergazaki, M., Zogza, V., & Komis, V. Paper presented at the International Workshop "Computer Supported Inquiry learning", May 18-20, .
2005 Zogza, V., Ergazaki, M., & Komis, V. HSci2005 - 2nd International Conference Ηands-on Science: Science in a changing Education (pp 56-62) .
2005 Ergazaki, M., & Zogza, V. In R.Pinto & D. Couso (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International ESERA Conference on Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science (pp. 1350-1353) .
2005 Komis, V., Lavidas, K., Papageorgiou, V., Zacharos, K., & Politis, P. L’enseignement des tableurs dans le collège grec : étude des cas et implications pour une approche interdisciplinaire
2005 Kampourakis, K., & Zogza, V. Students’ preconceptions about evolution: comments on the accuracy of characterization “Lamarckian” in connection with the history of evolutionary thought
2005 Dossis, S., & Koliopoulos, D. The problem of Timekeeping with the Help of the Simple Pendulum: An Empirical Study of 14-15-year-old Greek School Students University of New South Wales
2005 Strebelle, A., Depover, C., & Komis, V. Analyse des possibilités d’intégration d’un environnement collaboratif de modélisation dans des contextes scolaires contrastés